Even with the modern conveniences of central air conditioning and heat, keeping the inside of our homes comfortable during hot summers and cold winters is a challenge. While these systems are certainly capable of creating and maintaining a comfortable climate inside the house, the cost of doing so is sometimes prohibitive. In this article you will learn what heat control window film is and how it works. It can often feel like we are stuck choosing between paying electric bills we cannot afford or suffering through an uncomfortably hot or cold home. When you look up ways to lower your heating or cooling bill, the most common suggestion is to simply use the air conditioning or the furnace less, which is not helpful advice. Fortunately, there are things you can do to lower the electric bill without sacrificing your comfort. Improving your home's insulation is one of the best ways to do this, and you should start with the doors and windows, as these are weak spots when it comes to insulation. Windows can let out heat in the winter and allow heat into the home during the summer. Many people recommend replacing windows with double pane windows because of their insulating qualities. While this will work, the cost of replacing every window in your house is very high. Instead, window films can be an equally effective and much more affordable solution. Heat control window films, in particular, can dramatically improve the insulation of your windows, and they are relatively affordable and very easy to install.
Benefits of Heat Control Window Film
Filters out glare, but not sunlight
Heat control window film filters out the glare, while allowing natural sunlight to shine through. Letting in the light is important for many reasons. First, natural light is simply a pleasant way to light a room. It is less harsh than light bulbs, and using natural light means you do not have to turn on the lights, saving you even more money on your power bill. The other advantage of letting in natural light, especially in winter, is that it helps your furnace run more efficiently because it heats up your home. You will save more money on your utility bills. Heat control film also filters out the glare of the sun which makes viewing screens much more pleasant.
Retains heat during the winter
In addition to letting in the natural light to help heat up the room, heat control film also helps to retain heat inside the home. There are a couple of heat control film options available. Some films work by essentially turning your window into a double-pane window. Double-pane windows work by using an air gap between two panes of glass. The air gap acts as an insulator, slowing down the heat transfer between the inside and outside air. When window films that mimic this design are installed properly, there is a small air gap between the film and the window itself. This way, they still slow down the heat transfer. These are very nearly as effective as double-paned windows. Other films operate simply by increasing the thickness of the window and making use of plastics that do not transfer heat well. The thicker window makes it more difficult for heat to transfer from the air inside the house to the air outside the house. These films may not be quite as effective as ones with an air gap, but they will still dramatically improve your window's insulating properties.
Windows are one of the biggest sources of heat loss during the winter. Heat control window films are simple, affordable plastic films that can make a much bigger difference in your home's energy efficiency than many people realize. They may not seem like much, but they really do help your windows to retain a lot of heat in the winter while allowing plenty of natural light in. While it is possible to install them yourself, it is better to have them installed professionally. Professionals can make sure that you buy the best film for your needs, will cut it to the exact right size for your windows, and install it with no creases, wrinkles, or unsightly air bubbles on the first try. If you would like more information about heat control window film or would like to schedule an installation, contact Atlantic Sun Control today.